What is Coaching?

What is coaching?


Per the International Coaching Federation, the practice of Coaching involves “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

Right. But how does it actually happen? Take a look at how we distinguish coaching from other “conversations,” i.e., therapy, consulting, mentoring.

  • We focus on the present

    Sure, we might dip into the past for a minute if it’s relevant, but we'll want to focus on what you're doing and can do today to get you to your optimal future self.

  • You are the expert on you

    I won't interpret your thoughts for you - you will reinterpret your thoughts based on my reflecting them back to you, and actually uncover the answers yourself. 

  • You drive your sessions

    I'm not here to tell you what you need to improve or focus on. I'm in your corner to help you clarify and achieve your goals, and to overcome what’s holding you back.