My Coaching System


Get off autopilot in 3 steps.

We have areas and periods of our lives that just feel stagnant, tedious, stuck. We’re waiting for the new thing to kick in or fall into our laps. We expect things to change but aren’t sure exactly how or if it’ll be better. We are a victim to the day-in, day-out of our lives.

My 3-step coaching process enables you to get off autopilot so you can finally start feeling confident in the direction you’re heading.

Imagine waking up energized and looking forward to your day. You have plenty of time and energy to comfortably do your AM rituals - meditate, coffee, walk the dog - before starting work you actually love.

You have no problem finding flow throughout your day. A challenging moment pops up but you handle it with grace and confidence. You see the value in tackling the ‘hard stuff’ because you feel it making you stronger. It has meaning now.

You don’t question whether it’s time to finish with work - you know you’ve accomplished what you needed to do and sign off guilt-free ready to enjoy your evening. You’re finally proud to let your friends know what you’re working on.

A year rolls around and you’re not wondering why the hell am I still here? You’re wondering why did I wait so long to start?

  • Some people will come in already knowing their autopilot areas; others will describe a boredom, restlessness, or feeling of being stuck. All of this is ok. We’ll explore where you want to feel more intentional and why that’s important to you. Sometimes, life just feels like a big ball of stuff, so parsing out these areas helps define the path forward.

    We’ll also discuss what has kept you on autopilot. We’ve all got stories we’re telling ourselves each day, and they become so routine that we don’t even tend to notice them. We don’t spend a lot of time on our own challenging our thoughts, but that’s exactly what we’ll do here. We can change the ones holding you back by supplanting them with new thoughts – ones that are both believable and productive for you – and this will be the foundation of your action plan.

    Read my blog to learn more about this step:

  • How do you want to feel and what do you want things to look like? I’ll ask you to really lean into your interests, your talents, your hidden dreams. We’ll try this out without limits, just to explore the depths, just to see what’s down there.

    I will want a lot for you in this step – probably more than even you will! This is to provoke you to really explore the possibilities, those things or lifestyles or states of being you only dream of. When we do this, it’s interesting how resources suddenly seem to come to light. You start to see something you couldn’t before. You’ll buck up against those old, limiting beliefs here, so the work we’ve done on them in stage 1 is going to come in handy. We will revisit as often as we need to so you’re confident putting a plan into action in the next step.

    Read this piece for more info on step 2:

  • We’ll identify what resources you already have and which ones you need (as well as develop micro-plans for how to obtain those resources), outline the process, and break up the actions into achievable steps that feel good for you to complete each week. It’s important for you to feel like you’re making progress, even if it’s just a little bit at a time.

    I’ll be there while you go for it, especially as doubt and insecurity creep in. I’m in your corner to keep you focused & accountable, and to help you develop ways to overcome the inevitable challenges that pop up.

    Read a quick one on this stage: