Lying fallow

Welp, winter is here. Whether we’re truly ready for it or not, the hard reset of the calendar puts some pressure on making changes in our lives and taking action. You’ll hear a lot about this in the coming weeks, and maybe you’re preparing for a few resolutions yourself.

Come January, maybe you just got through a tough or busy holiday, maybe Q4 sucked all the energy right out of you, maybe you’re just not ready yet. To pile on a strict diet, new days of exercise, or some life overhaul sounds more cruel than helpful. There’s nothing wrong with resting so you can build up some reserves. Like nature, we can allow ourselves to have our seasons: times of inactivity, of quietness or solitude, and of reflection and introspection. These are the things that inspire growth and change and activity later on.

If you’re feeling guilty about not starting your new thing right away or feeling like you “should” be better, I encourage you to try on this metaphor:

Fallowing soil is the idea of not planting or using the soil for a period. This time of inactivity is enormously useful to future crops and productivity. Fallowing allows gardens and crop fields to replenish essential nutrients for later use. It allows potassium and phosphorus to rise to the top of the soil. It raises levels of carbon, nitrogen, and organic matter. Best yet: studies show that a field that has been allowed to lie fallow for a year produced a higher crop yield when planted.

With that in mind, maybe lying fallow is the move for your January 1. Getting this year off to a good start might mean building some reserves, achieving clarity on the path forward, and crafting a plan instead of going for it off the bat.

Some of us struggle with an I should mentality, or not allowing ourselves enough rest, or covering up deeper, more important (sometimes more difficult) aspects of our lives with busy work. If this hits home, I cannot recommend coaching enough. My clients tend to feel more balanced and less busy, even while marveling at how much more productive they are.

If this sounds interesting or you’d like to hear more, please go ahead and schedule a free 1:1 consultation with me here or keep learning about coaching on my site. I’d love to speak with you!

Go get ‘em this week.




On being of service