Wanting More

Some of my goals working with a coach were to reduce fear and anxiety at work and strike more balance between my job and life. At some point in our six-month relationship I felt calm, peaceful, saying no more often to emails, saying yes more often to walks outside. I told my coach I was feeling good, feeling rested. That’s great, she said, but I’m curious how we can make you even more rested. Like ultimate relaxation. What does that look like?

It wasn’t a thought that occurred to me before. I’m often settling for good enough. Kitchen is clean enough, dog is walked enough, my troublesome left knee is healthy enough. I’m not used to wanting more for myself, especially when it comes to peace and rest. But my coach pushed me to not just do more, but want more. Wasn’t I calm and content enough? Hell no. Not if the possibility of being even more so was fully attainable. She believed that it was. And then I started to believe it as we fleshed out how delicious it sounded and some ways to get there.

Wouldn’t a coach on the football field ask an athlete to do the same? How much faster, harder, more precise can you go? Or from my coach to me: how much easier, more peaceful, more comfortable can you get?

I want more for my clients than they would dare dream of.

There’s a certain magic in digging deeper. Sure, maybe there’s a limit at some point, but wouldn’t it be cool to test the depths? Just to see what’s down there, what the possibilities are. Even just exploring the idea can trigger realizations – hidden resources suddenly come to light, the timing kinda works out, pieces just start coming together. And then you’re wondering fuck, could I actually pull this off?

When I talk about dream states, I mean it. Think about the most badass, the most luxurious, the most successful lifestyle, job, person, hairstyle, trip around the world, whatever. The dream state should reflect what sounds the most amazing to you – the most dream-like – and I’d argue you should make a plan to go get it. Explore the depths. Again: just to see what’s down there, what the possibilities are.

I can’t recommend coaching enough for people who are ready to want more for themselves. Sometimes we need a push and an outside perspective to see what that “more” really is. This is what I love to do for my clients. If you’re interested in seeing what this looks like for you, schedule a free consultation here or keep learning more about coaching on my site.

Go get ‘em this week.


